illustration of two individuals talking outdoors, while one is walking and one moves using a wheelchair

Well-Being Around Princeton

Get Support at Princeton University

Counseling & Psychological Services

Counseling & Psychological Services (CPS) provides individual counseling, group counseling and support, and other mental health services for Princeton students.

Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising Resources and Education

Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education (SHARE) provides crisis response, support, short-term counseling, advocacy, education, and referral services to Princeton University community members who are dealing with incidents of interpersonal violence and abuse including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.

University Health Services

UHS Medical Services provides primary care as well as specialized services such as preventive care, athletic medicine, sexual health, and more.

Office of Religious Life

Office of Religious Life (ORL) Chaplaincies attend to the spiritual needs of students through many opportunities for ritual observance, spiritual counseling, and engaging programming.

Directors of Student Life

Directors of Student Life (DSLs) in the Residential Colleges serve as case managers in crisis situations. They are also available to talk with students about well-being concerns and can refer them to appropriate campus resources.

Graduate Student Life

The Graduate Student Life team in the Graduate School works proactively to assist students experiencing personal difficulties, makes appropriate referrals, and provides crisis management for medical, psychological, and other emergencies.

Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding

The Carl A. Fields (CAF) Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding strives to empower students as they seek to learn about self, understand the breadth of cultural and social differences among us, and build the skills needed to create and lead a more just world.

The Gender + Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC)

The Gender + Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) serves women and femme-identifying students and LGBTQIA+ students, and offers gender and sexuality programming and co-curricular experiences for the University community, building upon the legacy of the former Women*s Center and LGBT Center.

The Office of Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) facilitates reasonable accommodations to support students with disabilities and serves as a consultation resource to many University departments.

The Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity

The Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity (EBCAO) advances Princeton's commitment to an inclusive student body, with programs for all students, including those from first-generation, low-income and underrepresented backgrounds, with the mentorship, academic enrichment and community that they need to thrive at Princeton

illustrated of an abstracted purple plant
illustration of an individual running outdoors

Other Well-Being Projects, Groups, and Activities at Princeton

In addition to the well-being-related projects, groups, and activities listed below, many offices and individuals across the Princeton campus are engaging in efforts to promote well-being. See the CWP project page for more information.


UMatter is a University Health Services (UHS) initiative that, through educational programs and social media presence, promotes: being an effective bystander, making healthy choices, caring for others, and taking action.

Peer Health Advisers (PHAs)

PHAs are students who serve as contacts for peers seeking support, provide referrals to UHS and other campus resources, implement health promotion programs, work to reduce disparities in health and wellness, and help students navigate UHS' services.

Campus Recreation

Campus Rec engages the Princeton University community in co-curricular experiences to inspire lifelong health and well-being and aspires to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment in their facilities.

Office of Campus Engagement (OCE)

OCE creates shared experiences for all undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff to step away from their day-to-day and explore intriguing opportunities that promote connection and growth beyond the resume.


McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning

The McGraw Center supports undergraduates as they develop as learners and scholars, graduate students as they begin their teaching practice and progress as teachers, as well as learners, and faculty / instructors as they advance as teachers.


Live Well, Be Well

Live Well, Be Well (LWBW) is an initiative within each Residential College to empower students, inspire a healthy lifestyle, and promote well-being. Contact the DSL in your College to learn more.

Princeton Perspective Project

Princeton Perspective Project (PPP) is a student-led initiative that affirms that failures, setbacks, and struggles are normal parts of the college experience, providing a space where students can share their stories through videos, writing, and creative expression.


The Graduate Student Government Mental Health Initiative

The Graduate Student Government (GSG) Mental Health Initiative runs Princeton’s annual Mental Health Awareness Month and maintains a supportive Slack community for graduate students.

Princeton Peer Nightline

Princeton Peer Nightline is an anonymous peer listening service through which trained undergraduate students provide empathetic, non-judgmental support to peers who wish to share a problem, are in need of information, or just want to talk.


Our Health Matters (OHM)

OHM is a student group that supports the mental, physical, professional, and personal wellness of Black women on campus. They created A Healthy Hottie’s Guide to Therapy. All credit and thanks go to the Our Health Matters student group and its co-presidents, Gabriella Carter and Maya Houser.

The Undergraduate Student Government Mental Health Committee

The Undergraduate Student Government (USG)’s Mental Health Committee, in collaboration with CPS, helps students navigate the resources offered through the University surrounding mental health and well-being.

Mind Matters Navigating Mental Health Concerns during COVID-19 booklet

All credit and thanks for the creation of this booklet go to student author Preeti Chemiti and the Mind Matters team.


The Princeton University Neurodiversity Collective

The Princeton University Neurodiversity Collective (PUNC) empowers Princeton’s self-identifying neurodiverse students by building supportive communities, engaging in advocacy, fostering positive newfound visibility, and equipping the neurodiverse community with tools for professional and personal success.