Engage with TigerWell

a screenshot of an individual picking fruit from a tree

A screenshot from The Manic Monologues virtual theatrical experience, a TigerWell Partnership Grant -awarded project. Image courtesy of Carolina Vargas, McCarter Theatre Center.

For Staff & Faculty

photo of ten individuals seated on mats in a yoga pose, in a performance studio space

Students engage in a yoga event collaboratively facilitated by Rev. Dr. Theresa Thames (at front of class) and The Standard, as part of Yoga for Every Body offerings and The Standard’s Wellness Initiative; both projects were awarded TigerWell Seed Grants. Photo taken by Dr. Rashidah Andrews, adviser to The Standard.


For Postdocs

ten individuals gather in small groups around two therapy dogs, underneath a large outdoor tent

Campus community members engage in a therapy dog event as part of Mental Health Awareness Month 2021, a collection of events supported in part through a TigerWell Partnership Grant. Photo taken by Mira Nencheva, GSG Health & Life Chair.

For Other Campuses & Institutions