TigerWell Grant -Funded Projects
TigerWell provides funding to members of the campus community to support innovative and impactful efforts that promote well-being at Princeton. Proposed projects must align with TigerWell’s approach and address specific TigerWell goals. Learn more about the Grant Program and how to apply.
A list of funded projects and brief descriptions of select projects are included below. The descriptions illustrate various ways that projects align with TigerWell’s approach and address specific TigerWell goals.
Stayed tuned for updates to this page, including more information about these and other projects.
KOACH Fall 2023
TigerLife Website (VPCL)
Lawrence Garden Greenhouse
Campus Rec Student Leader Initiative
Adopt a Tiger (Mathey College)
Annual Wellness Retreat (ODUS and campus partners)
Indigenous Community Building Proposal
Outpatient Medical Services Wellness Team Project (UHS)
ROOTS: Reaching Opportunities for Occupational Triumphs and Success (Center for Career Development)
New Mindful Business: How Ordinary Habit and Pie Girl Prioritize Rest, Joy and Self-Care in their Business Models (Spanish & Portuguese)
Chasidut Retreat
Drag University (GSRC, Lewis Center for the Arts)
Campus Contraceptive Access (PSRJ)
SHARE Peer Bonding Event: Strength in Numbers
FACTUAL Roundtable Discussion
Lewis Science Library Calm Room
WellNest: Wellness through Nature (EBCAO)
Centering Mentoring Summit (McGraw)
Graduate Student Ceramics Workshop Series at New College West
The Bayit at Princeton (CJL)
Enhancing Expressive Writing Interventions for Princeton Undergraduates (Psychology)
Supporting the Survivor in Complex Grief (SHARE Office)
Summertime Wellness through Grad Yoga
The Princeton food environment and student well-being (UHS Nutrition)
Empowering safety, equity, and well-being in field research
BSU Met Gala
Koach Wellness Spring 5783
Collective Care Series (CAF)
Bloom: A Graduate Wellness Collective
Music Mentoring Program Expansion - originally, Music Department Undergraduate Mentoring Program
Gap Year Dinner Series
Peer Health Advisers: Pilot Testing Early Arrival and Improved Partnership Building
Annual Wellness Retreat (ODUS and campus partners)
Regular Therapy Dog Sessions for Grad. Students
SHARE Lending Library
Wellness Initiative for International and First-generation Graduate Students
Wellness Outreach Events (CampusRec)
Mindful Movement & Eating (Princeton Teacher Prep.)
Emotion Management Team Development (CPS)
Mental Wellness Space (USG Mental Health Initiative)
Graduate Student Buddy Program (GSG)
The Impacts of Immigration Issues on International Graduate Students' Mental Well-being: A Landscape Overview
The Princeton LGBTQIA Oral History Project (GSRC)
USG/CPS Informational Video
Gap Year Dinner Series
Virtual Writing Accountability and Support Groups – Expansion
Conscious Leadership Cohort Group (Center for Career Development)
PHA Wellness is Worth It Initiative
Coffee Club/UHS Flu Vaccine Incentivization Project
The Asian Americans with Disabilities Initiative
Bloomberg Mural Project and Renovations Research (ODUS)
Bridging the Gap: Financial Literacy in Graduate School and Beyond (ADI in the Graduate School)
SKY Meditation and Yoga Wellness Retreat (ORL)
HIV & PrEP Pride Week Series (GSRC)
Restorative Yoga for Ethnic and Race-Based Stress and Trauma (GSRC)
Free Group Fitness for UG & Grad Students (CampusRec)
Discerning Dissertating (McGraw Center)
SIFP's Spring Initiative (Emma Bloomberg Center)
Lakeside Community Garden Climate Resiliency Plan
Transformative Allyship Education and Inclusive Excellence (Athletics)
The Standard Wellness Initiatives
FLI Women/Femmes of Color Group: Culture and Care
Expansion of the SHARE Office's Website
The Manic Monologues (CPS & McCarter)
CJL Shabbat Wellness Initiative
The "With graDitude" Project (Graduate School)
Graduate Students as Peer Learning Learning & Thriving Coaches (McGraw Center)
OA Academic Year Outdoor Programming
Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Writing Groups (McGraw Center)
FLI Women/Femmes of Color Programming
UHS Mind Body Health Team Mindfulness Training
Spot Me: A Weightlifting Program for Princeton University Students
Campus Club Space Assessment & Backyard Project
Meet & Greet with Community Partners (CPS)
Campus Recreation External Review support
Yoga for Every Body
SHARE Staff Retreat: Skills and Strategies for Facilitating Challenging Conversations around Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation and Our Intersecting Identities
Relationship & Power Support Group (SHARE)
Campus Club Space Assessment and Backyard Project
Goal of Partnership Grant: identify potential changes to the physical environment of a popular campus space for students to better promote connection and belonging.
Grant Lead(s): Lexy Sarstedt, Director of Campus Club
Collaborators: Multiple campus stakeholders, including students, Graduate School, Office of Disability Services, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Office of International Programs, Scholars Institute Fellows Program, Department of Facilities
Project Description
A two-phase, multi-year project to transform the physical environment of Campus Club’s backyard.
Phase 1 is a community-based assessment of the existing space and its needs to increase social connection by modifying the built environment.
Phase 2 will apply the findings of Phase 1 to renovations of the backyard, and a subsequent assessment will determine whether these changes have increased social connectedness of those using Campus Club.
Level of well-being environment addressed by grant: Community (built environment)
Graduate Students as Peer Learning & Thriving Coaches
Goal of Partnership Grant: Create a sustainable interdisciplinary peer mentorship program for graduate students that goes beyond just achieving academic success.
Grant Lead(s): John Schulz, Graduate Student
Collaborators: Laura Murray, Assistant Director, Learning Programs, McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning
Project Description
A structured interdisciplinary graduate students peer-mentorship program. Trained peer coaches work with their mentees not only to support their academic goals, but also to support mentees’ holistic thriving, and assess how participation in the program supported both mentors and mentees.
Level of well-being environment addressed by grant: Organizational, Interpersonal, & Individual
Yoga for Every Body Teacher Training
Goal of Seed Grant: Create capacity for body-positive and inclusive yoga offerings on campus.
Grant Lead(s): Theresa Thames, Associate Dean of Religious Life & the Chapel
Collaborators: Office of Religious Life, Campus Recreation, Residential Colleges
Project Description
Opportunity for a campus partner to gain certification in yoga teacher training for the purpose of leading these sessions in partnership with Campus Recreation on campus. Specifically, the teacher training is focused on providing diverse, inclusive, and body-positive yogic teachings that center people of color, LGBTQ communities, people with different accessibility needs, and people of all body sizes.
Level of well-being environment addressed by grant: Community (access, inclusion) & Individual
FLI Women/Femmes of Color Group: Culture and Care
Goal of Seed Grant: Create self-reflective and community-supportive dialogue space for First-Generation and Low-Income Women/Femmes of Color.
Grant Lead(s): Leia Walker, Undergraduate Student
Collaborators: Office of the Dean of the College, Scholars Institute Fellows Program, Women’s Center (now the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center)
Project Description
Support of a group-based series that centered discussion, self-reflection, and connection for First-Generation and Low-Income Women/Femmes of Color students. The student-facilitated Culture and Care project created space for a small group of students to connect around their hair journeys and textures.
Level of well-being environment addressed by grant: Community, Interpersonal, & Individual