Campus Well-Being Partnership (CWP)


About the Partnership

As collaboration-building is an integral TigerWell mechanism, we established the Campus Well-Being Partnership. Central to TigerWell’s aims is the coordination of a proactive approach to health and well-being across campus; to that end, we convene this group to bring together stakeholders from across the University to have a platform to share information and resources, to collaborate and avoid duplication of efforts, and to strategize how best to meet shared well-being-related goals.

All Staff and Faculty are welcome to join! Send a request.

Current members: Access our Teams page.

Next meeting date: [date tba]

mage description: a room full of people sitting around circular tables. The people have various note taking martials and are faced towards a presenter and a slide on a projector. The slide is unreadable. This image was taken by Dr. Anne Laurita at a CWP meeting

Partnership Meetings

The CWP meets approximately every other month during the academic year. Topics of past meetings include:

  • Introduction to the TigerWell Initiative

  • Building social connectedness in our work with students

  • TigerWell Outreach Counselors’ work with student-athletes and student groups: Successes and challenges

  • TigerWell student engagement brainstorming

  • Workshopping TigerWell Partnership Grant ideas. Visit our grant page.

  • Strategies for well-being promotion programming in the virtual environment

Ad Hoc Working Groups

Ad hoc working groups of the Campus Well-Being Partnership are intended to provide space and structure for collaboration on deliverables of particular interest to the wider group membership.

Two groups have launched, both addressing the role of Data and Assessment in TigerWell:

  • One group is creating a set of guidelines for the assessment of well-being-related programs offered across campus.

  • The other is compiling existing well-being-related institutional/campus data.